105 Main St, Greene Me. 04236
(207) 946-5544
Library Hours:
Tues, Wed & Thurs 11-6pm
Fri & Sat 9-3pm.

Friends of the Julia Adams Morse Memorial Library & Book Sale
The Friends of the Julia Adams Morse Memorial Library is a 501(c) non-profit organization that supports the library through volunteering and fundraising. At it's most active, the group helped raise a substantial amount of money in the late 1990s and early 2000s to help build the extension on to the original building.
The Friends group currently is responsible for managing the library's book sale. The library has a small ongoing book sale

in the entry lobby and holds a large annual book sale in the Spring. We are happy to accept donations of books at any point in the year as long as they are in good condition. Donated books will be sorted by the librarian and our volunteers and either added to the library collection or put into the book sale. The Friends group is also happy to accept financial donations on behalf of the library, all funds received directly support the library's goals and mission.
If you are interested in joining the Friends group, please contact us!